Great Grandmaster Tae Yun Kim had a great lecture the other night about the recession. Most people are stressed. Over 4 Million people are out of jobs and unemployment is growing. Fear, anger and depression are growing. Suicides are up.
One of the best ways to help make it through the recession is to be disciplined about your training, says Great Grandmaster Tae Yun Kim. Be very disciplined about working out 3 to 5 times a week. At Jung SuWon Academy we emphasize this to our students. By working out, they will feel better about themselves. They will shed stress and feel stronger, and that will give them to extra energy to deal with a growing negative environment.
Great Grandmaster Tae Yun Kim dealt with very negative circumstances growing up and all her life. She faced war, and prejidice, and jealousy, and still faces that even today. One of the best ways to deal with that, is to focus on self-improvement. By building your self-confidence and positive energy, more people will want to be near you and you can create your own positive energy for you and your family.
So at Jung SuWon we encourage and motivate our students to train hard, be disciplined, and take charge of their life and the times. Tough times will pass, and it takes tough people to make it through. Be a warrior and champion of your life. Jung Su!