Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Going beyond your limits!

I was reflecting back over my training at Jung SuWon Academy under Great Grandmaster Tae Yun Kim.  The more I read Great Grandmaster Tae Yun Kim's new book - SEVEN STEPS TO INNER POWER - How to Break Through to Awesome,  the more I realize how special the training really is.  I was taught how to stretch my mind, and to go beyond my limits and I didn't even know what was really happening.

As a white belt I was taught very basic techniques.  We never practiced breaking boards or anything else in the martial arts classes.  As I progressed through each rank I was challenged little more each time.  I was taught to face those challenges, no matter how scary they might have seemed, and at each testing the degree of difficulty was increased, until I was finally doing things I never thought possible.  This was incredible.

But then GGM ( Great Grandmaster ) Tae Yun Kim has us apply it to things in our daily lives.  Maybe in our careers, or in our relationships.

The statement "Your thoughts create reality" seems simple at first, but what happens when you are facing seeming impossible odds, how do you take the doubt out of your mind and just have positive focused thoughts?  How do you prevent your inner voice from constantly nagging you.  On your way to success you are bound to have small set backs.  Does your mind, then kick in, and say "I told you so".  I just won't work.  Or is your belief so strong, that you know that if you stay focused you will make your thoughts become reality?

In practice, this is amazingly strong, and I thank GGM Tae Yun Kim for teaching me, and then challenging me to put this into practice.  If you want to learn more, you can either train in the art of Jung SuWon, or read Seven Steps to Inner Power, and learn  to apply it to your life.

I will give more examples next time, but this has been an amazing journey of learning and realization for me.

-> For more information go to https://www.facebook.com/DrTaeYunKim.CEO/

Thank you,
Scott Salton

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Peace for North and South Korea hopeful!

I had the great pleasure of attending an event by the National Unification Advisory Council (NUAC) which advises the President of Korea on issues of unification.  They had a large peace conference in San Francisco with delegates attending from 44 different countries! Dr. Tae Yun Kim was a keynote speaker as the Senior Advisor to the council of this organization. Dr. Tae Yun Kim is an incredible speaker and had the audience engaged, and responding with exciting and vibrant energy.  "We are aiming for peace and unification of the South and North Korea." said Dr. Kim.

Dr. Tae Yun Kim believes that it is also significant to find peace withinourselves!  May peace be with you!

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Who is Great Grandmaster Tae Yun Kim?

The story of Dr. Tae Yun Kim is a timeless, epic journey. It has been a monumental struggle with the hearts and minds of a world that tried to tie her down at every turn of her life. Through it all, Dr. Tae Yun Kim has demonstrated the power of her motto “He Can Do, She Can Do, Why Not Me”.

Dr. Tae Yun Kim offers her life story as a message of hope to all who want more from their lives. For those who find themselves wrapped in their own struggles, bound by weakness, taken over by the negative influences, or just simply those who feel there must be more to their lives, the life story of Dr. Tae Yun Kim is a point of inspiration and a road map for others to use so they can find completeness and fulfillment in their own lives.

For more visit the Jung SuWon Martial Art Academy website.

You Are Very Special in this Universe

Training in the Martial Arts changed my life. It requires discipline, determination, patience, builds confidence & a healthy body, mind, and spirit. It teaches you how to overcome mental & physical obstacles. Overall it builds inner peace & inner power. Find something you enjoy that challenges & exercises your body, mind, and spirit. It can bring great joy to your life. What kind of things are you doing? 

You are very special in this universe. Treat yourself with honor & respect. Learn to love yourself. Great Grandmaster Tae Yun Kim would love to share her tips with you in her new book SEVEN STEPS TO INNER POWER - How to Break Through to Awesome.  I don't know about you, but I want to have an awesome life.  

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Through experience we gain wisdom

Great Grandmaster Tae Yun Kim often says "Rejoice in the lessons of pain and hurt, they bring your strength and courage."  I have found this to be very true.  Many times I tried something and failed.  At the time, it hurt, it was embarrassing, it was terrible, but in the long run I learned valuable lessons.  These lessons are always with me, and allow me to make better choices moving forward.

Dr. Tae Yun Kim's new book, SEVEN STEPS TO INNER POWER is coming out in just about 2 weeks.  I am really looking forward to it.  I know I want to break through to awesome in my life.  What about you?  I know this will take hard work, discipline, mental focus, and a "Can Do Attitude".

Sunday, March 25, 2018

In Great Grandmaster Tae Yun Kim's new book, SEVEN STEPS TO INNER POWER - How to Break Through to Awesome, she reminds us of our goals...
Do you remember your New Year’s goals? It’s time to reflect. Life is such a precious gift. But we tend to treat every day as though life is never going to end, as though we have an unlimited amount of time to find the happiness we want. As a result, instead of challenging our fears right now, we go on day after day, year after year, making excuses for our failure to accomplish our true desires.


Sunday, March 4, 2018

How are your 2018 goals going?

If you are starting to shy away from staying committed to your 2018 goals, DON’T GIVE UP! Keep taking your steps forward. Just take one step forward and you’ll be one step closer to your goal!https://www.goodreads.com/author/quotes/736678.Tae_Yun_Kim

Have you considered contributing your time to help others this year? 

Monday, February 26, 2018

Opening Up New Opportunities

When you make a change, you will be opening up to new opportunities, and new challenges! As Great Grandmaster Tae Yun Kim shares an example  from her book, SEVEN STEPS TO INNER POWER, does not the small fish that hatches upstream fare great risks in swimming to the much larger ocean where it will grow big and strong? Yet, isn’t this risk preferable to remaining upstream and living a smaller self?
   - For learning more about energy - see "The First Element" - Secrets to Maximizing Your Energy.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Compassion - helping others

Great Grandmaster Tae Yun Kim goes out of our way to emphasize to us to have compassion in our hearts.  Help those around us.  Especially those in need, and those closest to us.  Reach out and make a difference.   See TYK Foundation for many of the projects that Dr. Tae Yun Kim has initiated.  If you are interested in donating time or helping contact:  http://tykfoundation.org/

Sunday, February 18, 2018

What is your Silent Master?

Original Ki is your Silent Master.  Another important thing that you need to know about ki is that this pure, original ki which created the universe is within you right now.  You are one with this energy.  I call your awareness of this energy presence within you the Silent Master or Silent Master Consciousness
  - by Great Grandmaster Tae Yun Kim
  - see Great Grandmaster Tae Yun Kim's blog on SEVEN STEPS TO INNER POWER

Tuesday, February 13, 2018


In Great Grandmaster Tae Yun Kim's new book, Seven Steps to Inner Power, I share about having determination. Like the fabric of a tapestry, one thread will always lead to many others. If this person can do something, why not me? If I fail, I will try again. And again. Has anything worthwhile ever been accomplished without effort? For 2018, ask yourself, whatdo you want to accomplish!

Other books:  The First Element

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Dr. Tae Yun Kim - "Future Memory" trademark

Dr. Tae Yun Kim is amazing.  She defined the new concept of "Future Memory".  Starting with the "The law of manifestation", and then "Your thoughts create your reality", and upgrading again to "Future Memory".  "We need to project our thoughts with great confidence and surety, knowing it will happen" says Dr. Tae Yun Kim.  Great Grandmaster Tae Yun Kim's story is a great example of the power of the mind.  See more on Great Grandmaster Tae Yun Kim's videos.

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Your Thoughts Create Reality

In Great Grandmaster Tae Yun Kim's new book, Seven Steps to Inner Power - Break Through to Awesome, she teaches us that "Our Thoughts Create Reality".  This is deep, because this also includes our inner thoughts and our inner dialog.  Are you aware of your inner dialog?  Most people aren't, and more importantly, most can't control this inner dialog.

This book and her teachings are amazing.  Every time I read the book, I go deep and deeper into myself, and learn more about bringing up my inner power.  In the past, I would set goals at the beginning of each year, and really not revisit these goals until the next year.   But this year I want to change.  I want to follow Great Grandmaster's advice and set my goals, and revisit these at least once a day.  I want to my mind to hold these goals in my mind.  I want my mind to think about all the things that support these goals.  The more this picture is in my mind, the faster it is on the way to manifesting.

I have to draw the picture in the mind, of what I want to create.  Because I can do it!  My Thoughts Create Reality.  Don't say it.  Feel it!

Thank you for this awakening, and great pearls of wisdom.
Sincerely - Scott Salton
Check out Dr. Tae Yun Kim videos.

Friday, January 5, 2018

3 Tools of the Jung SuWon Warrior

Great Grandmaster Tae Yun Kim teaches us that traditional martial arts warrior carries tools or weapons appropriate to his profession.  She also teaches us 3 tools that will accompany you throughout your entire practice of Jung SuWon.  Balance - Awareness - Visualization.

Balance:  The knowledge of balance will be the armor you wear so you can travel fearlessly through any experience life brings to you.

Yin-Yang Symbol:

Rather than thinking of yin and yang as opposites, think of them as giving rise to each other.  This happens in 2 ways.  First, we can say that fullness gives rise to the concept of emptiness, because fullness automatically, by one definition, means that which is not empty; so in a way, fullness automatically creates the concept of emptiness.
Here's an example that shows yin and yang at work in your body.  You've noticed that you are energetic and active for a period ( yang increasing ), but at a certain point you must allow your energy to turn into relaxation and quiet.  Being relaxed and quiet is the yin state, and when that state is fulfilled, it flows into the yang state and you become active again.  They yin and yang states balance your energy so that you are neither dangerously over-exerting nor stagnantly passive.

Here is another example having to do with your conditions around you:  It's easy to want to change a bad condition into a good one, and easy to make the choice to do so.  But what about when a good condition changes into a bad one and you didn't choose that?  The knowledge of balance and change is a tool here as well.  This knowledge helps you keep your perspective when changes you didn't expect occur.  For instance, now you know that times of increase and fullness carry the seeds of decrease and emptiness-- that in times of abundance you may find that some form of decrease occurs.  But, you also know that with this decrease, there is inevitably the seed of a new increase, meant to give you even more than you had before.  Decrease and emptiness are not necessarily negative states.  They may be serving a purpose:  to take away that which may be standing in your way of greater good.

For more information on this subject see, Seven Steps to Inner Power - Breakthrough to Awesome,
by Dr. Tae Yun Kim