Science is finally
catching up to the Energy teachings of Great Grandmaster Tae Yun Kim. Is light a particle or wave? Scientists continue to debate this subject
and can’t fully understand this, but progress and advancement continues.
Now there are theories
that it can be either, depending upon the surrounding environment. That is crazy to think about. And yet, Dr. Kim always said – “Your thoughtscreate your universe”, and “You are the center of your own universe”. What if through our thoughts we can controlthe energy around us, and it helps to even determine the state of a light
I have been a student of
Great Grandmaster Tae Yun Kim’s teachings for many years, and I love the debate
and the possibilities that this has opened up.
Dr. Tae Yun Kim has emphasized for years that your thoughts create your reality ( see Seven Steps to Inner Power: ).
This says that we are
all co-creaters, and that what we think, and what we project through our
attitudes and behaviors do change our surroundings. Just think about the reality of that. We can change our reality. We can change our stars.
But many people are
doubters, and say, that doesn’t really work.
You can’t really control your environment and you either get lucky or
not. What happens in the world is
completely random, and your ability to affect your future is very limited.
I completely disagree
with that, because I have seen the results many times.
If I have a limited or
negative view, and if I let the energy and my surroundings control me and take
me down, then I live in a negative space, and many negative things happen. My whole world seems down, and I can drop
into a deep depression.
But if I live with an
optimistic view, if I take control of my energy and attitudes, and generate
happy feelings, I can radiate, and I can create a more peaceful, creative and
happy environment. I can wake up every
day with a positive mental attitude. Things
around me will be brighter and better.
So my thoughts and
attitudes do make a difference.
Lets take it to the
extreme, what if we could actually create our afterlife, by our actions and how
we think about it? If we believe nothing
exists, we may go into nothingness. If
we believe and live in a world of lying, anger, and deceit could we possibly be
creating our own hell? And yet if we
believe in God, and his grace, and in a beautiful afterlife, and if we believe
in a heavenly place where can be with our family and friends, could we be creating
our future?
I chose to be positive
and optimistic and to live a good clean life, helping others, with purpose and
meaning. What do you choose?
Summary: There are many lessons here from Dr. Tae Yun Kim.
1. Your thoughts become your reality. You are a Co-creater. -> Your thoughts do matter. These are seeds that manifest themselves into
reality. Watch your thoughts. Through training you can clear your mind and
make yourself calmer and more peaceful.
2. You are the center of the universe. You see the universe through you, and
therefore you create the world around you.
Be positive and create a beautiful world for yourself. Have faith in God, and our future. The act of having faith in God, may be the
key. Remember if you don’t believe, that
also creates your reality.
Never give up. This is true in the physical world, but also
in our spiritual world. A situation may
seem impossible, but with creative energy and the spirit of “He Can Do, She Can
Do, Why Not Me!”, anything can be accomplished.

4. As instructors, teach and show your students how
to grow and learn and improve in everything they do. Teach them and motivate them to be positive
and optimistic about their training and the world around them. Teach them to be good to others, and only use
the art in self-defense. Teach them that
their thoughts and actions do matter, and help them to develop a positive
mental attitude.
Thank you. God Bless you.
Student of GreatGrandmaster Tae Yun Kim,
Ju Han, J
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